Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 15 Oats and Day 14 review

I am officially in Phase Two and it's time to begin adding grains and fruit- I plan to do this slowly. I didn't lose as much in Phase one as the book touts but so far I've lost 5 pounds in 14 days - a good steady rate of loss. I officially weigh in on Mondays. 
I chose oats for my grain. I made an "oat cake" for breakfast - basically a crunchy pancake made with one egg and a half cup of thick whole oats. I used a little vanilla extract and cinnamon for flavor also topping half with a dollop of cottage cheese and letting  it warm in the pan. I was experimenting with how to eat this creation as it may become a staple for a while. I don't want to use artificial sweetners. I can use berries and other fruit, warmed spiced apples sound good, once they are back in my menu. 

Had a good swim yesterday and want to take a bike ride today but the wind is howling. So I may hike and swim instead.

Looks like I forgot to post yesterday. I was a little frustrated with my scale readings not budging after faithful adherence. I reviewed my foods and can only find a possible deviant  pattern with peanut butter so I threw it out. Unfortunately I bought dry roasted peanuts for my grandson who is spending the weekend and had an episode with them last night - no nuts. Period. Of any kind - They only make me want more nuts! Also keeping food in the house for others is tricky. Need to watch out for that, too. Today's a new day, and I have removed all nutty items!

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