Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Days 23, 24 & 25 - Learning

Now that I'm in phase two it's time to learn how foods impact my appetite. I have been very conservative adding new foods. I have only had one bad day and it had to do with nuts and dark chocolate. I decided that I'm not ready for dark chocolate, or any sweet for that matter, and nuts just simply don't work for me by themselves. If they are in a salad they work, or a topping on my oats, they work but alone they trigger craving. Since walnuts and almonds have good nutrition I won't ban them altogether but only allow them in a salad or cereal that I eat out, that way I have no nut supply at home. Other than that no major problems. I have had brown rice but will classify it borderline. It's best in a mix with some veggies and a protien for a casserole. Alone is risky. I wish it weren't so, but it is, and I can deal with it. I need to be in reality and truthful with myself at all times.

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