Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 40

I came down with a miserable cold last Friday as I was going away for the weekend. I had some foods I wouldn't normally eat like cough drops that contained sugar, extra fruit and some starchy stuff I rarely eat.. Exercise was minimal as I focused on getting extra rest. I have managed to get over the worst of my cold within a week and I maintained my nine pound loss. I would have liked to have lost a pound or two this week but I am glad I did not gain. So this new week I will focus on sticking with a slightly modified phase one plan to get my loss moving forward. I don't want to get stuck in maintenance or creep into a gain by getting sloppy with food. Today I put on one of my favorite pairs of jeans and they fit! It's so good to have more clothing options! I needed that little boost to keep motivated in spite of the scale slow down.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Losing track of the days!!

I am 9 pounds down for my first month of effort and it feels good. I am about a third of the way to my 100 day goal I think and it is going very well. I am off on a weekend trip but needed to check in. I will have more precise calculations later. Work continues to be very busy and weather continues to prohibit outdoor activities and encourage curling up under a pile of comforters with cats and watching movies!! But my eating habits are on target most of the time and I get results. I just calculated and it is day 34!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Days 25, 26, 28 - savoring, saving, ignoring

My readings this week have been about being mindful about eating, savoring, and basically keeping food in the right perspective.  I pay attention to the food thought or impulse to eat. Most of the time nowdays it is when I am hungry and when it's been a few hours since my last meal. Other times it may be when I see a food, or when I'm feeling challenged mentally or drained from working. There are other triggers, like when I'm relaxing at home, watching a movie or reading. I used to snack often during these times. I notice now that I am getting out of the snack habit. I also am aware of what meals keep me feeling satisfied all evening and less inclined to think of snacking. I have a cup of hot tea or a seltzer with lime to sip - these are filling and satisfy my impulse. I continue to explore new foods and enjoy my meals by savoring the experience.

I also save things for later - in my mind. For example, if I think about a treat that isn't in the plan right now I tell myself I will have it some other time when it is appropriate to include in my diet. This saving things for special puts the urge out if my head. I don't necessarily mean cake or cookies, or other high sugar sweets, it could be a wine or a fruit, etc, that isn't in the plan that day or during this phase. I don't find myself missing desserts much. I like the saving for special strategy. It works! 

I have also become able to completely ignore food when it's sitting about the office or at an event. If it's not an option for me at the time I focus my attention elsewhere - it is as if the food does not exist. I am grateful for this freedom from that old obsession. I am more focused and productive without the roller coaster of carb/sugar highs and lows. And the guilt and inner conflicts.  Thank goodness for that!

The scale moved down today and revealed a new number. I am becoming intuitive now that I'm more tuned into my body and what leads to what. I can often tell if I am going to lose or bump up a little or stay static. Overall, I continue to lose steadily but a bit slowly. I don't mind so long as I'm adopting new habits and being aware and consistent - I believe this leads to permanent loss and maintenance for me. No huge struggles. Only occasional bouts that I generally overcome. 

This week I made a spaghetti squash dish using a can of diced tomatoes seasoned with basil and garlic and my sauté of squash, olive oil and garlic with some turkey breast. It was delicious and satisfying with a little grated mozzarella cheese. I felt no desire for an evening snack that night so that's a successful recipe. These cans of diced tomatoes are very handy so long as I keep an eye on the sodium - they come seasoned or plain and enable me to whip up a meal quickly when I get home. I use them for my skillet chili dishes. The chili is another meal that satisfies me for the entire evening. Having a mix if beans and lean meat is more satisfying to me than one or the other alone.

I'm getting to know myself better in the realm of nourishment and taste. Using my creativity adds to the enjoyment of this new way of living. Experimenting and enjoying the adventure!

I like this!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Days 23, 24 & 25 - Learning

Now that I'm in phase two it's time to learn how foods impact my appetite. I have been very conservative adding new foods. I have only had one bad day and it had to do with nuts and dark chocolate. I decided that I'm not ready for dark chocolate, or any sweet for that matter, and nuts just simply don't work for me by themselves. If they are in a salad they work, or a topping on my oats, they work but alone they trigger craving. Since walnuts and almonds have good nutrition I won't ban them altogether but only allow them in a salad or cereal that I eat out, that way I have no nut supply at home. Other than that no major problems. I have had brown rice but will classify it borderline. It's best in a mix with some veggies and a protien for a casserole. Alone is risky. I wish it weren't so, but it is, and I can deal with it. I need to be in reality and truthful with myself at all times.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Days 21and 22

I'm three weeks into this and I can tell a huge difference had taken place already! I'm so grateful for the changes. Clothes that were seam splitting tight are now comfortable and even a little loose. I'm feeling more fit, stronger, lighter, and much more energetic. I feel like socializing and going places. I trust myself. I can go out to eat in restaurants and pick items that suit my needs, and I am always prepared. I plan ahead. Junky, fake foods, sugary things no longer tempt me. I am happy.